The reconstruction of all 8 Tennis courts will begin on February 3rd!

Finally 9/5/2024!
The project has been accepted and the contract for repairing all 8 courts was given to Spanish Springs Construction Inc. The renovations will begin soon!!
Great News for Tennis Players in Carson City and Surrounding Areas!!
Parks, Recreation, and Open Space has approved funding for renovating the Tennis Courts at Centennial Park.
The Board of Supervisors approved the final budget on May 18, 2023, including money for Centennial Court construction and contingency. With multiple funding sources and multiple fiscal years, we have had to get creative. This will enable all 8 courts to be reconstructed. The project is currently in designed by Carson City Public Works.
This will give our Tennis Community a place to grow and develop a Tennis Association once again. With Leagues, Ladders, Tournaments, Socials and much more!
I want to thank Jennifer Budge Parks and Recreation Director and her staff for working hard to make this all possible.
Lets show our support for tennis by leaving feedback at the bottom of this page if you are excited to have Tennis back in the Capital City!!
Tennis Courts, Softball Fields, Soccer Field, and Archery Range
Description: 59-acre sports facility
Location: 5400 Heritage Way.
Tennis Court Complex
-located behind Eagle Valley Golf Course-
8 Tennis Courts – Tennis Office – Hitting Wall – Covered Pavilion – Restrooms

For more information on Parks in and around Carson City: Click here
Centennial tennis court renovation is under design by Public Works, although there isn’t an exact timeframe. I anticipate construction next year at the latest.
Up-Date 2/26/2024
Unfortunately, due to limited staffing, Public Works could not complete the design. Staff met with Llyod Engineering last week, who has tons of experience in this field, and is just waiting on a proposal to finish the design that PW started. The scope of work will require the design to be complete by July, so we can bid the project in compliance with federal requirements. Public Works can no longer provide design for any of our projects, not just this one. The project is still fully funded and a top priority for us.
Great News 3/23/2024!
The Centennial Tennis Courts reconstruction plan is 90% complete! This is ahead of the last update!!

Latest Update 6/27/2024!
The Centennial Tennis Courts reconstruction plan should start and be finished by spring 2025! All 8 new tennis courts and hitting wall!!!
Check out CarsonNOW.Org for more info
Another update on tennis in Carson City – John Mankins Park tennis court resurfacing is completed and ready for play.

Once again thanks to Koko Green for stepping up and working with the City to create a beautiful Plaque in the Memory of Li Wong who passed away on the tennis courts at Centennial. The plaque is proudly displayed at Ross Gold

44 thoughts on “Carson City Tennis”
We are so excited to have money to help enhance the Centennial Complex in Carson City. This will provide a much better experience to all the tennis players in Northern Nevada. Please continue to update and renovate our public parks and spaces to help bring our community together and and provide much need facility updates to the people of Northern Nevada.
Great news! Hopefully they will also repair the backboard so when we are waiting for a game we can hit by ourselves.Adrian
It would be great to restore the tennis courts. I have plenty of players I want to play but have no court available. I hope the city can follow through with her plans and make Centennial Park Tennis great again.
Kudos to Carson City Park & Rec & Open Space for securing funding to resurface all EIGHT Centenntial Courts and the Board of Supervisors for approving the final budget for Centennial court contruction and contingency. YEA! This is exciting news.
Before Ross Gold courts were resurfaced hardly anyone used those courts but now that they have been resurfaced, the courts have become very busy. I can hardly wait for Centennial courts to be resurfaced so people can start using those courts again.
I’ve lived in Carson City since 1980. Centennial Park tennis was alive & well at that time with many tournaments & an active tennis club with lots of activities. Each year, the Carson City Tennis Club hosted a tournament bringing 300 participants.
My hope for the younger tennis generation, is that we can see this happening again.
Keeping my fingers 🤞we can see action happening very soon.
Such fond memories! Great kids! Wonderful families!
I got out on the Ross Gold courts yesterday. It was brilliant to have the resurfaced. My next, couldn’t hey also some, if not all the Centinnel courts, too.
I remember playing often in the cCarson City Summer tournament. Maybe, with the newly surfaced (safer) courts, the tournie could return in the fall
Definitely long overdo. Carson City is growing rapidly with many new tennis enthusiasts and very limited tennis courts!
I’m thrilled to know we will see new courts resurfaced soon!!!!!
Great to hear that we tennis players will hopefully have enough safe courts to play on for everyone, so happy to hear that they are able to resurfacing Centennial!
Centennial was a great place for drop-in tennis and regular tournaments for the first 12+/- years I lived in Carson City, then gradually went down hill over the last decade. I’m super excited to have these courts resurfaced and I do hope it will inspire new generations of tennis players to sustain these courts for years to come. Thanks to all who helped to make this happen.
I am so happy this is finally happening! I do hope a great juniors program will get started! So exciting to have tennis as an option in our beautiful capital city!
I moved from Michigan last June. I was so disappointed to see the cracked courts at the Centennial park. Now I heard the great news for the tennis players like myself. Thanks for the board of supervisors!!
Love it! I moved to Carson City in 1994 and became a member of the tennis club around 2000. With no racquetball courts and being pre-pickleball my main source of exercise was playing tennis at Centennial after work and during the Saturday Mixer. I’m not really a tournament player but tried to play in all the Centennial tournaments to support the club. I have many great memories and made many life long friends thanks to the Centennial Tennis Center. It warms my heart to hear that the courts will be made playable again so I can start playing in my community again. Thanks!
Thats is fabulous, thanks you so much. Our tennis community is so grateful.
Since my first reply didn’t go through I’m writing another one. When I moved here in 1967 the only tennis courts in Carson City were the two at Mills Park. It took the city a long time to get the courts at Centennial finally built. They have gotten a lot of use especially during league play. We have also enjoyed using the gazebo. We hoped the courts get repaired soon.
I’m so glad this is happening! I grew up in Carson City and grew up playing tennis on the Centennial courts. When my children were old enough to start, I was so disappointed the first time I took them out there to play. I have two young tennis enthusiasts who would love to learn and play more. In order to do that I’ve had to take them to either Reno or Lake Tahoe. I hope with the resurfacing of the Centennial courts it will become easier for them to enjoy and grow in a sport that I have long loved. This is so necessary and long overdue!
We started tennis right before pandemic and our kids love tennis but the courts are not safe for players. It needs to get repaired, we can have awsome different sportaarea in that park. Hope tennis club get active again.
I’m very happy to hear about the upgrades. My daughters had their first tennis lessons at Centennial 12 years ago. One of them now plays on the high school tennis team and takes lessons at Centennial every summer.
We are so excited to see that these courts are being updated and cared for. Our family has played on these courts for decades, and our daughter has played there since she was just a girl. We love these courts!!
This is great news! Tennis is such a great sport for everyone, especially kids. They have a peer support group and learn some skills that will allow them to be a part of their high school teams. This renovation is exactly what your community needs. Tennis is for Life!
Would love to see a youth tennis program in Carson!
Great to hear. Very long overdue. I hope there can de some way of ensuring the courts are only used for tennis activities. Too many people have used them for soccer and volleyball and have sped up their demise over the years. Hard to stop without monitoring, but necessary if this is to be done. Thanks, Carson City. Looking forward to playing at Centennial again!
Yes! So excited to give my kids the chance to learn hoping for some good teachers!
So excited! Hoping the city will come thru
Having 2 budding tennis players in the family we’ve been disappointed in Carson City’s playing options. This is great news and long overdue. We couldn’t be any more excited for these new courts. Thank you for making tennis a priority again.
I just moved to Carson City from Florida and am excited about this news as I’m trying to get connected to the Carson tennis community. Sorry no pickleball yet.
Welcome to Carson City looking forward to meeting you.
Thank you so much for the welcome! That’s another thing we are loving so much about Carson – everyone seems so welcoming and friendly.
Looking forward to getting in shape through playing tennis again.
You’ve always been in great shape Ty looking forward to getting you and your daughter back out on good courts again…
we are so greatful that the courts are getting fixed! i can’t wait for me and family and friends to have a better place to play here in carson!
Everyone’s comments are so positive. My friends and I enjoy tennis so much but something happened that I just want to share. On September 25, Monday moring, I arrived at Ross Gold tennis courts. There are 2 tennis courts. We, a group of ladies, play there on Monday mornings using one court. This morning there was a lady & guy who were playing on one court. The other court had a tennis bag. The lady said that she was “saving” that court for a friend who was on his way. I was confused as I have never heard of this before. I left Ross Gold with an unsettling feeling i.e., didn’t seem right. In talking to tennis players about this and their response has always been the same..”that’s not right”. True, it seemed like inappropriate behavior. I am posting this incident because I do not want anyone else to experience this. Do not let a person “save a court”. If you are there, you should begin playing. You have that right. Courts are for the public not certain people. Thank you
So happy to see the tennis courts in Carson City being resurfaced. Would love to get a group of 50+ age young people to run drills and play a little at Mankins. Anyone interested?
As the head girl’s tennis coach at Carson High School – I am so excited to see the tennis courts at Centennial getting a face lift!
Keep supporting healthy lifestyles in Carson City! Tennis is a lifetime sport!
Wonderful news! I loved playing junior tennis tournaments in Carson City in the 1980’s – I’m so glad the kids in the area will have the chance to grow up playing such a fantastic lifetime sport!
On behalf of the Sierra Junior Tennis Association, we could not be more thrilled with this development! The plans look amazing and I am sure this will help build a vibrant tennis community. We look forward to supporting the facility with activities to help you thrive. Kudos to the City/County and all involved for making this happen!
You know what they say, the smaller the ball the better the game!
Tennis is a game that you can take with you through life. It’s not a sport you outgrow. It’s a sport that grows with you.
Eldon Wilson is a gift to the tennis community so if you are blessed to have him on the court with you, take heed. Do not squander the opportunity to learn through his (wise) tutelage. Eldon is an All Star Instructor.
Life is what you make it. If you are fortunate to already have Eldon on your team, then you are already ahead of the game.
Pay attention, have fun, and play smart.
WOW Carrie thanks for the feedback!!!
I’m new to Carson and excited to hear about this! I live pretty close to the park and am planning to meeting some new friends and getting my game back.
Welcome Donnie looking forward to meeting you!
What is the latest status of the Carson City Centennial Park Complex Tennis Courts? Is there a tennis league sign-up?
Good Morning Constance, the reconstruction of all 8 courts will start in the spring. We are in the proses of getting an association together as soon as the courts are finished we will begin setting things up for leagues, lessons, round robins along with social events.
Where is the best play singles tennis now for 4.0 women in Carson City? Thank you for the help.
Good Morning Constance, We have a few groups that play at Ross Gold. If your interested in contact names you can contact me at [email protected]